I happened to have a bunch of random, small photos left over from other layouts I had created about our Summer vacation and those photos became the inspiration for this design. I loved the idea of creating a really large title going across both pages and arranging those photos around it.
I started off by cutting each letter out of different patterned papers and then added a chain link stitched border around each one to really make those letters stand out. This is a busier layout so the stitching really helped define that title detail.
Then I adhered each letter with foam adhesive along the center of the layout.
For my photos, I added a mat to some and arranged them along the top and bottom edges of the title. Some are overlapped onto the letters, some are tucked under the letters.
For the finishing touch I added stickers and embellishments that coordinated with each color of the title letters, creating little Summer themed clusters.
This layout idea could work for so many different themes and words and is a great way to included a ton of photos for one event or memory!
Shop all sketches here: Allison Davis SketchesÂ
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