I’m so glad that as the boys grew I made sure to document some of the funny things they would say and the conversations we would have. The scrapbooker in me knew that I would want to remember those moments so I often kept track of these cute little comments on my computer or in a notebook.
The layout I’m sharing today has a silly conversation I had with Drew when he was really little.

I had very early on starting telling him, “I love you oodles and bunches!” and in his tiny toddler brain he wasn’t too sure what those words meant so he kind of made up his own interpretation of them. It led to a really funny exchange between us and a new way to say, “I love you!” with a laugh.

I highly encourage those of you with young ones to take the time to remember moments like this! Kids say the best things and these types of scrapbook layouts will always be ones that you enjoy looking back on the most.

Shop all sketches here: Allison Davis Sketches
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