Once a month learn how to use scrapbook sketches and adapt them to fit different styles, photo sizes, and themes. Sketches = endless scrapbooking ideas with little effort. Sketches do all the heavy lifting allowing you to have all the fun!
Today my layout shows a way you can simplify the sketch, minus my crazy amount of stitching, of course!
Here's the sketch that I have used as the starting point for each layout this week:

You can also grab the Sketch Support #20 Bonus Sketch Examples!

This month it is a 3-page PDF of 23 different sketch options. That makes 24 sketches for this month of Sketch Support. There are options that show how to change up the papers, use more photos, use less photos, use only 4 x 6" photos, there are four two-page options, and then an 8-1/2 x 11" option. The fun part is that you could use each option as a layout on its own, but you could also mix and match different options for endless possibilities!

Supplies used - Cardstock: American Crafts; Patterned paper: Bella Blvd. and Echo Park; Chipboard pieces: Bella Blvd.; Stickers: Pebbles Inc. and Simple Stories; Watercolor: Pinkfresh Studio; Nuvo Drops: Tonic Studios; Embroidery floss: DMC; Computer font: Century Gothic
Variation #1 - Using a single paper in place of the horizontal banner strips.
This is another design that was driven by the paper choices I made to go with my photo. I always plan these layouts for Sketch Support by jotting down some ideas once I have my photos selected, but I try not to get too set on an idea until I've picked out the papers. I don't know how many times a better idea has popped up after I had my papers picked out.
Originally I had planned on using wave strips in place of the horizontal banner strips, but then I came along this patterned paper with waves all over it. It presented an opportunity to have the waves I wanted while also simplifying the sketch by using a single sheet of paper in place of all those strips. It was a much easier option.
Now, of course, I had to make it not so simple by adding all that stitching. It was like my brain convinced itself that since I had saved some time by using a single sheet instead of cutting and arranging all those strips, I now had more time to devote to stitching. I'll make any excuse!

Side note: While we are on this subject of using themed elements for those strips, anytime I see horizontal strips and want to customize them to themes, I think of things that would naturally be horizontal like waves, roads, grass, etc. You could also think about using decorative strips like scallops or chevrons.
Variation #2 - Using a wider vertical strip.
I loved that wave paper and decided to go ahead and make it a little wider than the large vertical strip on the sketch. Since it's a background piece it won't affect the other elements on the layout and there's lots of open area on the sketch, so there's plenty of space to expand that piece without having to make major adjustments.
Variation #3 - Using a larger photo in place of all three photos.
I feel like this sketch is one of those that you can pretty much use almost any photo size and make it work quite easily. I had a single 4 x 6" photo and while it's not the same size as the photos on the sketch, it covers close to the same general area on the sketch so I didn't have to make major adjustments to make it work.
Variation #4 - Moving elements to better fit.
I moved my journaling to the right side of the photo. This just came down to liking the look of it better on that side for this particular layout and photo. Sometimes I'll make little changes like that based on a photo or certain elements and a feeling that it just makes more sense for this particular layout.
Variation #5 - Changing the elements to better fit the theme.

To go with the pool theme I used beach balls, life preservers, waves, tropical leaves and flowers, and some word and phrase stickers.

I also added in some watercolor by smooshing it onto the base paper with a sheet of plastic. I used a combination of three shades of blue - a light blue, a medium aqua blue, and a darker blue. To finish the look I added a few Nuvo Jewel Drops in my favorite color - Sea Breeze.

That's all for today! Tomorrow I've got another layout to share so come back!
If you enjoy this sketch you might want to check out all of the sketches we have at Scrapbook Generation. There are tons to choose from!
And you won't want to miss the NEW upcoming class! The deadline to join ends soon on May 2!